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Thursday, 19 July 2012

Yeast Infection No More Program Review

Yeast infection is associated with a conventional organism Candida albicans, and several of his relatives, all commonly found in the intestines and vagina. These bacteria cause illness only when their uncontrolled population, producing irritating discharge, accompanied by swelling, itching and redness.

Several factors contribute to yeast infections. Antibiotics are probably the main reason why the frequency of yeast infections more than doubled since the late 1960s. Women with allergies often develop yeast infections.

Anything that increases blood sugar levels, promotes the overgrowth of yeast, these include uncontrolled diabetes, pregnancy, or regular consumption of sugar products. The use of vaginal sponges and raises blood sugar levels. High estrogen levels also increase sugar levels and helps cells to vaginal candida attached to the walls, forming a colony. Especially women are in this process the week before menstruation. Wearing a close and / or synthetic underwear, bathing in chlorinated water reservoirs or hot baths, the use of rough towels, and frequent douching also contribute to infection. Candida breed better when you have stress or physical weakness. Candida cells have two forms - the usual round cell and long, thin, fast-growing and blossoming form. Thin cells grow aggressively separate from the cells of the vaginal walls and capture the deeper tissues, creating a more serious symptoms of vaginal discharge is thick, yeasty odor, and itching of the vulva.

Can yeast infections transmitted sexually way?
Opinions of experts differ. These infections are not classified as a disease transmitted by sexual way. However, for security partner can take the medication, especially if the infection recur. Some clinical studies have shown that Candida can be cultured from the genital area from 5-25% of men who are partners of infected women. When yeast infections become chronic only option that offered on the site nutritionists Yeast Infection No More Scam
Some women have recurrent, persistent outbreaks of yeast infections that may result from certain genetically weak immune system, hypersensitivity or allergic reactions. Candida capture other parts of the body, and in recent years to treat this condition uses many special diets, herbal treatments and used nutritional supplements.

Many women who are diagnosed with systemic yeast infection instead suffer from fatigue, adrenal glands, chronic fatigue syndrome, allergies to foods, environmental sensitivity, fibromyalgia or other conditions that arise due to the processing of stress and poor nutrition. This chronic yeast infection usually defines a weakened immune system, a diagnosis that requires further investigation.

Women with chronic vaginal yeast infections susceptible to systemic yeast infection and should be followed carefully balanced, a complete diet. Also, they can help the program with herbs and nutritional supplements.

Bacterial vaginosis

The second most common vaginal infection, bacterial vaginosis is usually associated with the bacterium Gardnerella vaginalis. This bacterium is present in the vagina of 50-60% of healthy women, bacterial vaginosis is diagnosed when Gardnerella increases in tandem with:

- An increased number of anaerobic organisms, such as Peptostreptococcus and Bacteroides;

- PH greater than 4.5;

- Reduced number of lactobacilli.

Bacterial vaginosis is of particular concern because the bacterium can easily infect the uterus and fallopian tubes, causing pelvic inflammatory disease (PID). This painful condition can damage oplodotvoritelnym and reproductive organs. Infected pregnant women are susceptible to miscarriages faster than healthy ones, and infections after giving birth.

Gardnerella, is believed to be sexually transmitted, however, its exact cause is unknown. Sure, a partner infected woman should always be treated.


Trichomoniasis, caused by unicellular protozoanami, called trichomonas, common and rarely serious. And yet it is much more unpleasant than the yeast infection and a much more difficult to cure. It produces a thick, yellowish, foamy discharge (sometimes bloody), and infected genitals swell, burn and itch. Inflame the urethra and bladder, trichomoniasis leads to frequent urination, causing a burning sensation. The organism prefers an alkaline environment, the natural vaginal condition that becomes more pronounced during menstruation. About 20% of women of reproductive age suffer from this infection at least once.

The organism is transmitted as a sexually and asexually way. Infected men symptoms are rare, although they may be carriers of trichomoniasis, 60% of infected women also may not have symptoms. Sometimes there is a non-sexual transfer of infection because the organism may be hiding on wet surfaces, such as a wet towel or bathing suits, as well as in swimming pools and hot tubs. Trichomonas die quickly when dry, so dry toilet seats or towels are not dangerous. What will the doctor

First of all, the gynecologist will determine the risk for vaginal infections, all the answers, even sexual partners are confidential. Examination of the pelvis includes the vulva, vagina and cervix, the doctor will assess the condition of the uterus and ovaries in the softness and inflammation. After inspecting a sample of vaginal secretions under a microscope, your doctor may send to the laboratory for culture, further tests may be conducted to determine the organism responsible for infection.

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